Sydney Sunday Sun-Herald


Call it the shock of the old:this 30th anniversary production finds Jack Hibberd's one-man play still working hard to surprise, offend and delight, which it does in high modernistic style.
If Hibberd borrowed the chassis from Samuel Beckett's Krapp's Last Tape, the engine and bodywork, including some splendidly off-colour vernacular, are all his own.
Part of the thrill is in Hibberd's push to outdo - be wierder, more allusive and more vulgar than - the Irishman.
Actor Peter Hosking puts the monkey into Monk O'Neill, the play's comic lover, athlete and bush philosopher. This is an astoundingly vigorous effort from Hosking with his shoulders hunched and jaw hinging open like a giant ape. Don't leave this one to the cognescenti: everyone should make time for Monk.

Colin Rose 7th April 2002
